The origin of life is a puzzling question since time immemorial. Today, however, people do not appear to be puzzled, since science has provided all the answers - or at least it thinks it has... Because the accepted scientific answer is that life was created by chance...
The accepted scientific theory which explains life on our planet is the theory of evolution. It says that as living beings developed certain characteristics, they tended to keep those enabling them to survive better in their environment, passing them on to the next generations, while at the same time discarding those not assisting survival. And the animals that did not adjust to their environments became extinct. This theory is opposed by the theory of intelligent design - the notion that there is an intelligent cause behind some of the characteristics of the living beings. Intelligent design is generally rejected by the scientific community, however there are several scientists more inclined to accept this theory instead of evolution and the idea that everything was created by chance.
What is “life”?
Can science provide the answer? By definition, science deals with observable facts, with the material world alone. That would be alright on the part of science if at the same time it recognized its inability to explain everything in terms of molecules and accepted the fact that there is something more to matter, something that ought to be studied as well if we are supposed to attain a certain level of truth. On the contrary, in an effort to answer everything, even though it obviously cannot, modern science maintains that only matter exists. It looks for intelligence inside the genes, as though the IQ could depend on the combination of nitrogen or hydrogen molecules or whatever makes up our DNA. Science says that life, intelligence, emotions, ideals, the strange nostalgia when we gaze at the stars, they are all the effect of molecular evolution... This is sad. Because scientists ought more than the "laymen" to not allow anything obstruct their thinking.
Man and computer: a parallel
But the biggest failure is when we try to explain man in terms of matter. According to classic biology, man is a highly complex computer, which (a) was created by chance and (b) operates without electricity and, most important, without a user! Let us examine this parallel. The human body is like the hardware, the genes contain the software programs and the brain is the processing unit. What would be the electricity or the batteries of our human computer? Well, here is the first fault of the materialistic science. To explain life, we have to postulate that living beings have some sort of "batteries", which we could call, for the purposes of this article, "vital energy". We therefore consider that vital energy is what differentiates the living from the soulless, and it is inside all living organisms, from plants to man. This vitalenergy is not measurable. It may have a wavelength which is not measurable by scientific means, however this does not mean it does not exist.
Now let's come to the user, the major factor in the equation of intelligent life. Who is moving your legs when you walk? Is it your muscles or your brain? Of course not! The muscles and your brain simply execute your order. And that is the second major fault in the theory of evolution: It completely ignores the user, the spiritual entity directing the brain. Here is a self-evident example: What is the similarity between human and ape DNA? Well they are similar by an astonishing 98,6%! And what is the difference between man and ape? Certainly not 1,4%. Their difference is immense, because it is not based on the DNA but on the user. And we do not need a microscope to observe that...
Does this mean that animals do not have a "user"? Could be, besides animals base their knowledge on their instinct, the memory stored in their cells. There areonly few things they can learn. In our computer analogy, we could say that animals have been preprogrammed and therefore they need little if any intervention by a user, and if a user does exist he definitely does not need to be specialized. Man, on the other hand, does not know anything when he is born. On our planet, only man is capable of learning, without this meaning that only human body would be fit for use by a spiritual being. It appears, however, that on planet earth only human brain is developed enough for a spiritual being to be able to "express" itself through it.
What or who is the user, who is us, in other words, is a mystery waiting to be resolved. Together with the mystery of what or who is the Creator. Until such time arrives, the mystery will continue to exist, adding spice to our lives. But this should not mean, however, that we should forget all truth, because then we will be like puppets in the game of life, a game that will be anything but fun.
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